About me and my approach

Hi, I’m Nina.

I’m a multi-passionate business owner, and I work with multi-passionate business owners, big picture thinkers and people with creative minds who have a LOT of ideas.

But before I start going on about me and what I do, let’s just talk about you.

(If you just want to skip ahead to see what I do, click here.)


You’re a multi-passionate business owner, you do more than one thing and you’re always having new ideas. Maybe you’re a freelancer, consultant, coach, or a creative. Or all of those things. Or something else entirely.

Whatever you are, you don’t want to be put into a nice little box, because you need the freedom to be you and to just go in whatever direction your creative mind wants to go in.

You need to go with the flow, embrace your new ideas, explore them, maybe weave them into something you’re already doing. You need space in your action plans to allow you to be creative and do what you do best.


You want to do more with your ideas, to try a few out and make some of them happen.

But you want to do this while keeping the creativity and the joy of your work and the things you love to do. Without feeling like you should work in a way that doesn’t suit you, or doing tasks you hate.

Some of these will be ideas that could make you money like workshops, courses or new packages of services, but some might just be “play” projects to experiment with something new and satisfy your creativity.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with ideas and choices, or uninspired with your business at the moment, maybe I can help you?

I can help you to rediscover the joy and creativity in your business, and to make your ideas happen in the best way for you.


As I said earlier, I’m a multi-passionate business owner, just like you. 

You can’t describe me in one succinct sentence (believe me, I’ve been trying for years.)

I have a lot of experience (20+ years) in a variety of different areas, all of which I bring to my work. (They’re broadly related to managing marketing and communications projects.)

I have a lot of ideas myself and I love exploring them and seeing where they go. Blogging, creative writing, photography, new services for my business, mini creative courses and workshops to name a few areas.

As well as being multi-passionate and creative, I am also logical, practical and detailed. Which comes in handy when I work with people who have creative minds.

I was once described in an appraisal as the “engine” to someone else’s “magician” – a mixed metaphor there but you get what the person was trying to say!

That every ideas person needs someone practical alongside them to help turn those ideas into reality.

Whether that’s someone they’re paying to help them, a collaborator or colleague on a project, or some sort of co-mentoring or skills swap arrangement.

But however we work together, that’s my role. I’m the calm, logical one who loves working with quirky creative brains because it brings out my weirdness and creativity too. (For example I may draw weird penguin doodles inspired by the things we talk about….)

And because I’m a good listener and am currently training in coaching skills, I can also hold space for you to make your own decisions if that is what the situation needs.

Because I do lots of different things, it means that when you work with me, you’re getting whatever you need for your business right now.

I’m passionate about including creativity and activities that bring me joy in my working life, so it’s something I want to help my clients do too.

I’m a business coach and also a business, marketing and communications project planner. And I enjoy taking photos, writing, and drawing weird penguin doodles.


➡️COACHING, MENTORING, PROJECT PLANNING – for freelancers and business owners with a lot of ideas or who do a lot of things

💡Maybe you have an established business with an existing network of contacts and a range of services, and you have a new idea (or ideas!) you never quite get round to implementing

💡Perhaps you’re pivoting your work and changing your portfolio of activities

💡You could be in the early days of your business and would like help to figure things out

💡Or your working life is just feeling a bit nothingy at the moment, and you know you need to make it more exciting/interesting/creative somehow – but you don’t know what to try.

These are the sorts of things I do to help with those challenges:

  • Help you step back and look at your business from a new perspective to see where the joy and creativity is (or isn’t)
  • Help you figure out the best option from several ideas
  • Untangle some of your thoughts or ideas into a flexible easy to follow action plan
  • Help you develop and progress an idea and make it happen, while making sure you can embrace the new ideas that emerge along the way
  • Suggest different ways of organising your week or your month to keep the creativity and joy in your work – whether that involves simple flexible planning, or following your menstrual cycle or what the moon is up to (yes, really)
  • Give you some tips on bringing bite-sized creative activities into your week.

Click here to see more details of my ‘untangling’ services. If you just want to see my coaching packages, click here. And if you’d like to talk things through and figure out the best option for you, just get in touch here.


Thank you for reading this very long page – if you just want to send me a message, you can do that here! 🐧 You can find out how to keep in touch here.

Image copyright Nina Lenton