Why (or when to) work for free?

Why have I done a few free coaching and ‘untangling’ sessions recently?

When training as a coach, one of the things we are encouraged to do is find people to coach who are not on our course. And often we do this for free to start with as we are building our experience.

Some of the coaching sessions I’ve done have been completely free of charge, and I have also done ‘untangling’ sessions in return for someone’s expertise in something I need help with (ie skill swaps).

But why work for free? Isn’t that a total no as a freelancer?

Well I wouldn’t do it normally, but as I’d taken a step back from my untangling work while I had a rethink about my marketing, it seemed like an appropriate time to do a few free sessions.

These sessions have helped me to see in practice how my new coaching skills fit alongside the practical untangling that I already do.

They have enabled me to connect with more people who are the type of clients I’d like to work with (‘creative weirdos’ – multi-passionate freelancers and business owners) and understand more about their challenges and how they describe them – but in a slightly different way from doing market research calls.

Doing this has helped me see which parts of my new coaching package I enjoy delivering and to figure out whether there is anything missing for me.

I have also been able to find out whether what I offer helps people achieve their goal or whether there’s more that they need after that initial work, that maybe I hadn’t considered offering.

And it’s kick-started things for me again after a period of working behind the scenes on my marketing, reminding me why I love untangling creative brains that are overwhelmed with ideas and showing me how my coaching skills can add to that service.

AND it’s helped some people!

It’s helped them to get clarity and focus for their many ideas, with a plan of action for their next steps. Which hopefully will lead to new clients and new projects for them.

So what’s next for me?

I’m not taking on any new clients on a pro bono or skills swap basis, just paid clients from now on (see here for more details on what I currently offer) – but I’ll definitely be following up with all of these people I helped for free to see how they’re getting on.

Because that’s something that’s important to me – to ensure that my clients get what they need out of our conversations. And to enable them to move towards their goals.

So yes, free coaching isn’t a good thing to do in the long-term, but in the short-term with a defined end point and a small number of clients it has been very useful. Both for me and for them.

I untangle the brains of ‘creative weirdos’ (multi-passionate freelancers and business owners with creative brains and a lot of ideas).

Coaching, planning and mentoring.

If your ideas or your marketing need some untangling, send me a message

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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