The role of patience in freelance life

It’s so easy to get overexcited when you’re a freelancer or business owner who has lots of ideas and does lots of things.

You can see that vision, all the parts fitting together nicely, all those things you really want to do.

But that’s where it can sometimes get frustrating.

Things not moving quickly enough. Obstacles coming up. People who you want to talk to not being available (or interested). Clients not appearing and wanting to pay you money when you need them.

So it helps to remember that everything does unfold as it’s meant to.

The layers and foundations building gradually over time.

Two things happened this week that made me think of this and helped to put it into perspective.

Trusting the process

One was that I was feeling frustrated at not moving fast enough into getting paid coaching clients.

And someone in one of my online freelance groups reminded me to trust the process – by which she meant to learn from the peer coaching, do a few bits of free coaching, keep telling people what I’m doing, and the paid clients will come next.

Which makes sense now I step back from it.

Looking back at where I’ve come from

And the other thing was that I asked a freelance friend of mine to interview me to help me to tell my story. (That’s not as strange as it sounds – one of his freelance things involves interviewing people.)

I haven’t finished watching the video back yet, but even watching the first part, one of the reminders I had was how all the things I had done have built up over the years and added to the experience I have and that I can share today.

One creative or freelance experiment led to another, to different people, to more experiences and opportunities. Evolving, emerging, unfolding. Slowly (very slowly if you actually hear all the bits of my freelance story, but that’s one for another day!)

The role of patience in freelance life

So patience is an important part of being a multi-passionate freelancer or business owner – allowing the pieces to emerge and slot in as they need to. I need to remind myself of that every now and then!

Whether you’re at an early stage of figuring out those pieces, trying to make a decision on which way to go, or thinking about adding something new into the mix, coaching may be a useful tool to help you move forward.

If you’d like to have a chat to see if we’d be a good fit to work together, you can contact me here – either send a message or book in for a 15 minute chat.

Image by hartono subagio from Pixabay

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