Why (or when to) work for free?

Why have I done a few free coaching and ‘untangling’ sessions recently? When training as a coach, one of the things we are encouraged to do is find people to coach who are not on our course. And often we do this for free to start with as we are building our experience. Some of … Continue reading Why (or when to) work for free?

The role of patience in freelance life

It’s so easy to get overexcited when you’re a freelancer or business owner who has lots of ideas and does lots of things. You can see that vision, all the parts fitting together nicely, all those things you really want to do. But that’s where it can sometimes get frustrating. Things not moving quickly enough. … Continue reading The role of patience in freelance life

5 thoughts on marketing your business (when you do lots of things)

I’m constantly having to step back and remind myself what I’m trying to achieve with being on social media, as it’s all too easy to get caught up in posting there and not doing any other form of marketing. So I thought I would share what I do when I take that step back, what … Continue reading 5 thoughts on marketing your business (when you do lots of things)

About this blog

I started this blog a couple of years ago to delve into the subject of creativity and how it played a part in my journey to becoming a freelancer. If you go right back to the start of the blog, you’ll see posts about creativity and about finding time in your day to gather creative … Continue reading About this blog

What is the point of being on LinkedIn?

So what am I actually doing on LinkedIn?! I’m sure I’m not alone in asking myself that question sometimes! Here are my thoughts. Well firstly, I like being there – I’ve curated my news feed so it only shows me the people I want to see, and those people are usually talking about being creative, … Continue reading What is the point of being on LinkedIn?

Why do I care about helping you rediscover the creativity and joy in your business?

So you’ll see that I talk about helping people rediscover the creativity and joy in their business. But why do I care if you enjoy your work and get to use your creative mind? Because I know how hard it is when you don’t enjoy your work activities and you don’t get to use your … Continue reading Why do I care about helping you rediscover the creativity and joy in your business?

Why I don’t do much with video and how I plan to change that (slowly!)

I don’t do a lot with video, so the other day I made a video to explore a few reasons why and what I’m planning to do about that. Very few people saw the video because of social media algorithms and people being busy having a life outside social media, so I thought I’d reshare … Continue reading Why I don’t do much with video and how I plan to change that (slowly!)

What is business networking really about?

I’ve been self-employed for over 10 years, and I started networking fairly early in my self-employed life. My first experience of in-person networking was going to a Ladies Who Latte meeting within the first month of becoming a freelancer. It was an event where we met other business owners over a cup of tea, and … Continue reading What is business networking really about?

Am I distracting myself?

I do a lot of different things. And I’m currently wondering whether I’m just distracting myself with some of them, distracting myself from the main thing I need to be working on. There’s my freelance work, which I do less of these days. It doesn’t take much effort to promote. Just the time to deliver … Continue reading Am I distracting myself?